Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm here!

We were wakened at 1 am this morning, flew to Miami (made me real homesick and wanted to jump as we passed Jupiter!) then flew to Belize City and arrived here at 10:30 am (12:30 your time.) Went through a brief orientation after a local lunch (which was awesome--but I haven't met too many foods I didn't like!) and then on to Peace Corps Hdqts. in Belmopan. There are stray dogs roaming everywhere, it's really hot, and I'm so tired I can hardly think. It's only 5 pm here but we've been up 19 hours. I'm sitting in a back alley internet cafe with my new best friend, Erica. She's 22 and doesn't mind hanging with an old fart. Anyway, I'm sure my outlook will improve with sleep. Miss all my buddies and especially my much I could sob on the spot ...I'm just trying to focus on why I'm here and get grounded again. Long day and hot as poop!

God bless us all...tracy


  1. Glad you made it there safetly Trac!!! We will all miss you very much. Have a great time and keep us posted as we will on our tennis season. I will be thinking of you every thursday when I am the only one to make it to all the matches!!:) Love you lots Tara

  2. Tracy,

    I can't believe I missed your call this morning on your lay over in miami! i had the phone on vibrate as I was on the tennis courts!

    So glad to hear the food was good - as I know good eating is always important - how were the desserts - if there were any.

    I cannot believe you had to be up 19 hours - anyone would second guess their decision and be emotional!! i'm sure a good night's sleep will help tremendously!

    I miss you already but am excited for you to start the adventure and to hear all about it. At least the first week you have access so we can read your updates. At least then we still feel connected!

    Get a good night sleep and let me know when you need hair color - haha! Lexi asked if you would look different when you came back and I said yes you'll be thin and with long gray hair!!


  3. I'm sitting here at my computer wondering what it must be like for you on Day 2 in Belize. What an adventure must lie ahead. We are all so proud of you for having the guts to follow your dream and help others as you always do. You may get thin, but your heart will always be HUGE (a Robbie Smith word).
    Right now we are all going thru Tracy withdrawals. Probably explains why I finally made it to a Hammerheads game last night to watch Jeff pitch--but mostly to sit with Aubry, Dino and Katrin and try to carry on without you.
    Also probably explains why Ginger called me yesterday unexpectedly and wants to get back into tennis and see old friends. We are taking a lesson with Bud at 11.
    I guess its true -- when one door closes (for a while), another door opens. She can help fill the void you have left by being so far away.
    And, of course, I love you both.
    Missing you.....Sue

  4. TRACY..(it's Nik)!! I am soooo proud of you!!!! Look at you typing away on your OWN blog! We miss you so so so so so much! Chunk and Dutch miss you too! Deez and Daph have been great support for them! They have been playing and eating together the last couple of days. Aubs and Jeff have been staying at Pete and Betty's, I think they are staying @ our house tonight! Dino is doing well, Aubs brought him lunch yesterday that my mom made for all of us! We are going to have him over for dinner once a week and to hang with Bob and I. I can't wait to hear all about where you are living and all the amazing people you meet!! Bobby is coming home Monday night, he plays the his last tourney tomorrow. I texted Ash to come down tonight and hang out with us, so we will see! I miss you so much already..and i love you! I will have bob come on here ASAP when he gets home to write you! Be safe and get some sleep :) WE LOVE YOU!!!!!! XOXOXOXOO LOVE Bobs, Nik, Diesel, Daphne..and Ashley, Aubrey and Jeff!! lol i signed everyones name <3 <3 HUGS AND KISSESSSSSSS

  5. Hi mom-- its me :) Just a mini update. Jeff pitched awesome last night and all your great supportive friends came out to support. I missed you there. It just didnt feel right without you in the stand (jeff agrees, he always felt your presence). Today is a better day. The dogs are attached to me at the hip-- i have fallen in love immediately, I have never had so much love surrounding me. I think they know you have a piece of my heart and are latching on because they know you are gone! I love you so much.... please start taking pictures. I cant wait to visit xoxxxxxx

  6. Tracy--
    We all miss you so much...even those of us that weren't in your every day life! Just knowing you were always there was special. But you are in our hearts, and I know you've taken a piece of all our hearts with we will stay close. Safe Journeys!
    Love you,

  7. Tracy- I just read your blog. Wow-you write so beautifully and it is apparent that you are well loved and missed a lot. There are many who have you in their prayers. I hope by now you have caught up on some sleep. Missed you on Thurs. spent it in the DR. I have a partial tear of the ligament in my left wrist. Wearing a brace and taking steriods. I really look forward to more blogs about what you are doing and interacting with the people. You are a wonderful representative of the USA. Go Girl! Love, Sally

  8. Thanks so much sally. It's great to hear from home as a miss you all so much. Just entered my fourth blog. Thanks for reading. I love you. tracy
