Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Don't look back

As the pilot carefully navigated around the ominous thunderboomers, for the first time I was forced to look back at West Palm Beach. Until now I had done nothing but forge ahead...finish my jobs at Dr. Gandhi's and Dr. Harts, move my children into their new places, clear out my townhouse AFTER the big garage sale, get it ready for Ron and Cristina, sell my car, pay my bills, plan Aubrey's fiscal budget for next year, etc., etc. Don Henley sings "don't look back, you should never look back" and maybe that's bc you might second guess yourself. Right now, I'm hoping and praying I've done the right thing. I've had this itch for such and long time and this was the first time the window even cracked open a hair! But leaving my children and Dino and friends is quite difficult.

Because I've been so insanely busy, I've hardly took the time to thank you. I was honored that so many planned and so many attended 'going away get togethers. Thanks so much to Terri and Deb who planned the 'working girls' party. I learned more about Belize at Terri's than I have in all my reading! Thanks to Sue Brown and Carolyn for the Maryland great to see my good old friends! Thanks to Janet, Carol, and Professor for the Garden's tennis gathering! It would have been a crime to not play catch phrase one time before I left! Thanks to YoYo for doing the Ironhorse tennis get together...quite special as always. Nicole and Aubs planned the family get together and we all had such a great time at Ouzo Blue! And the last party was the poker party that Betty and Pete hosted with the mosted! And thanks everyone for letting me win that last game...that's gotta last awhile! All of you planned, prepared, paid, and positively perfected wonderful send-offs. It was so very kind and I'm deeply touched.

Thanks to Ron and Cristina for renting my townhome. Nobody in their right minds CHOOSES to move but they did this to 100% help me out--You both are gifts straight from heaven! Thanks to Sue Brown, Sue Beale, Carlene, Katrin, Sally, and Betty for their continued acts of kindness. You are such great friends and I'm totally indebted and grateful.

And now my children--Ashley, Bobby, Aubrey, Nicole, and Jeff--(here comes the lump in my throat) I could never do this if I thought you couldn't handle it. But you're all so strong and smart with deep roots in sensing what's right in life. And even tho you'd prefer that I not go, you were all 100% supportive. I so appreciate your open mind and broad vision of the world outside your own. I love you with all my heart. AUBS, what a Clydesdale! Here you have two weeks off from school and you choose to scrub floors, load garbage, pack and re-pack! I never could have done this without you

Thanks to both my brothers, especially Skip for help beyond compare. I will try to represent our family well in Belize!

Dino, I'm not leaving you, I'm fulfilling a dream. Thank you for your endless help in spite of a broken heart. I love you very much.

Ok, I must get back on track and forge ahead--"don't look back, you should never look back"--you better Belize it!

God bless us all---mom and Tracy

P.S. Love and hugs to Duchess and Chunk!


  1. this is very touching...and to think to include Ron and me! You amaze me and inspire me girlfriend! Love you to the moon and back. Go make a difference in all those lives. You have already left your mark on us. xoxo Cristina

  2. I love you Cristina---I read this after posting my third blog and as you probably can tell, I'm tired and beat so your words of encouragement move mountains! A minute ago I felt like shit and now I'm looking forward to a shower, my pillow, and carpe diem...(tomorrow!!!) Plese keep me in your prayers and I will you in tracy

  3. So glad it helped! I love your updates and find myself constantly checking to see if anything new has been posted. I sincerely hope by now you have gotten so much needed rest! Always helps to make everything seem so much brighter....went to the game last night with Aubrey and gang. Everyone is well and carrying on! You'd be proud. Hope all is well...great to be just a computer communication away from you. Ron sends his best love and hugs. xoxo I, of course, keep you in my prayers and thank you for me being in yours. Love, Cristina

  4. Thanks cristina, you are so special. Just wrote my fourth blog, it's good therapy. Glad to hear the gang is carrying on. That makes me happy.

    Hope the lady that bought my car (Vina) returned my sun pass and your garage door opener. ???

    I guess Aubrey told you we forgot to clean out that cabinet by the back door. Just throw it all away. I'm sorry..I tried but the clock was ticking and we ran out of time. I love you! Tracy
