Friday, October 9, 2009

Life in San Miguel!

Arrived in the village of San Miguel (Toledo District) Belize on Monday evening after a day with our counterparts at a workshop in Punta Gorda. It is a beautiful village of 560 people with 182 students attending the village Roman Catholic Primary School. My host family is absolutely amazing--my host dad is Sebastian (40), my host mom is Juvena (36), host sisters are Renita (18), Luisa (16), Brenda (14), Ellena (11), Felicita (8) and Yadira (almost 2-Nov. 21). I have one adorable host brother and that is Phileon (5). I feel like Maria in the Sound of Music! (Especially with my 'sister' Luisa who is like Lisel who tries desperately to skip out to see her beau!) They are the kindest people helping me with my K'ekchi (especially Felicita who will not let me mispronounce anything!) She's a tough teacher but will help me in a huge way! Sebastian leaves home at 6am each morning and doesn't return until 9 or 10 pm. He told me he does this so all the children will have the opportunity of an education. The oldest sister, Renita, is a nursing student at the University of Belize in Belmopan! They are all so proud of her. I haven't met her yet but I'm sure that will happen sometime in the next two years!

I met with the Village Chairman (like a mayor) and the Alcalde (magistrate) the night I arrived. They feel the biggest concerns of the village is getting a 'speed bump' on the dirt road that runs through the village so the children and the pigs won't get hit. Also, they would like to see that any family without a latrine could build one. The principal is interested in me tutoring during and after school on occasion. Also, there are some special need students that really need extra help so I will be networking with another volunteer who is a special education teacher for advice. Now here is the funny one for those that know me--last night the president of the PTA came over after we were all asleep and wanted my help on an internet lab the community had set up two years ago and then dismantled when they had 'financial issues'. Imagine me helping with an internet lab when I barely can email!?! I just know that my kids are laughing reading this one!! Well, the nearest Peace Corps Volunteer is about 5 miles away in Silver Creek so one of the members of the PTA drove me in his truck to pick up Greg so that he could perform! My mom served him a magnificent lunch afterwards. Three hours later, we were up and running but the computer lab won't officially open for another two weeks or more. I'm taking this opportunity to use it now and write YOU! We officially toasted our success with two cokes and a sprite!

I forgot to tell you that we have 5 pigs (cuihe), 24 chicken (chilan), 2 dogs (tzee), 1 cat (mis), 3 ducks (until last night when we had one for dinner!)--pats, and one rooster(tzou).

Until I write again, God bless us all, especially my new host family! tracy


  1. how do you solve a problem like a maria?!?? how to catch a cloud and pin it down?? I cant believe you thought the same thing about you being maria and bringing "song and dance" to this beautiful family. I am sure you got my email and now know once again i was thinking the same thing you were. Louisa and I are now pen pals and she LOVES to write me. it is very cute and she is very excited her boyfriend ;) Ill be there shortly (2 months!!!) and will help you with the 'speed bump'! I love you!

  2. Aubrey, you are such a doll! I can't wait til you come. Try to talk your brother and sister into making a visit at some point. All is well here (other than my broken camera that I'm shook up about--ask Bobby) and I trust that I can help here. My family is beautiful and well behaved children...they work amazingly hard even the eight year old!! I'm surrounded with love but miss my children desperately!! momxoxoxo
