Today is October 6th and Cristina Miller's birthday. Happy Birthday Cristina!! Yo Yo's (Joanna) birthday was the 1st and Nancy's is the 14th! Happy Birthday to you ALL!!
It is a day like this that gives us cause for celebration. You ALL are such good friends that I thank the good Lord every day for your friendship. For instance, Ron and Cristina moved into my townhome when I was leaving for the Peace Corps and agreed to rent my place for the entire time I was away. They had to pack up all their furniture and belongings and move it all two feet next door!! Who does things like that??!? Ron and Cristina!
Since I have been here there have been countless cards, letters, and packages from Florida and Delaware. It always seems timely that when I'm struggling a bit here, I go into town and check for mail and one of you has sent something...never fails...Thank you so much.
Peace Corps has been very different than what I was expecting. In theory, it's an incredible organization. But as an older volunteer with more life experience than I care to mention, I would love to see some changes in the organization so we can better serve. Maybe when my time is up I will have a chance to express my thoughts on ways to improve. For right now I'm just doing my own version of PC and it's working for me. If I hadn't been able to reinvent my role here I'm sure I would be home by now...
The weather has finally broken with less heat and humidity. Bobby is planning a trip here around the end of October so it should be a little more reasonable for him to handle. He is flying into Cancun (cheaper) and because Bobby is not really big on long bus rides we may stay in the north part of this little country. I doubt we will get down here to my village. I'm so excited about him coming!!
Happy to report that I have treated 7 dogs to date with the medicine that you bought for them! THANK YOU!!! Blackie, Brownie, Sleepy, Mickey, Jake, Eddie, and Sophie!! I had taken the medicine to the neighboring village of Colombia to treat a dog that I had seen there on the steps of the church when I passed by on the bus into town. Unfortunately, I was 2 days late. Let's hope that's the last dog that dies while I'm here because of parasites and mange!!
Project update: Still waiting to hear if my PCPP project has made it out of the PC HDQTS in Washington, DC. Is so, some of you will be getting a packet in the mail asking for help. Anyone that would like to participate will be able to do so by visiting the website. (More info to follow) I also have another project where we are trying to raise money to intall trash receptacles and paint the primary school in the village. I know this may sound like a minimal project but as you know, trash breeds bacteria and disease. The school needs a facelift...mold, mildew and peeling, crusty paint.
Critter update: Yesterday, I place moth balls on the ledge where the bats sleep and this morning there was only one (usually there are 8 or more). Too early to say for sure but I'm hopeful this will take care of that problem. No scorpion or tarantula sightings this week. Pretty quiet on the western front...
Medical update: Add to the list--a rash on the back of my right leg. Nurse Jackie said it sounds like a fungal thing...not surprising with the humidity. Pretty itchy, red, raised, and crusty. Lovely!! Hormones in check. General appearance...old and saggy. Hey, it's fun getting old!! Ha Ha!!
Children update: Ashley learning and earning a lot in her job as a tax attorney in Vero Beach. Would prefer to be working for a larger firm with more professionals her age. She has been taking care of my little girl, 'Chunk', along with her two Maltese's. Needless to say, she stays very busy. Bobby and Nicole are considering moving to North Carolina early next year, hence the big reason he wants to come visit now. He will continue taking care of my Duchess until he leaves at which time I may have to ask Sally (she had volunteered) if she could take Duchy until my return. Aubrey is very busy working 12 hour shifts at the VA Hospital. She has trouble losing patients...takes it pretty hard. She and Jeff appear to be over...picking up the pieces and moving on. Still deciding on specific area she would like to pursue in her post grad studies for her nurse practioner license.
Relationship status: Beyond my furthest happy about loving and being loved by this amazing man.
Guess that about wraps it up for now. Hope all is well with you. Hope the new tennis season brings lots of victories but more importantly, lots of good socialization afterwards. Don't think it will be on anyone's epitaph that they won or lost last week's match. Betty, can't wait for one of your incredible home cooked meals. Thought of Nay Nay (Denee) this week as Alabama slaughtered the Gators. Congratulations! Must be stressful right now in the Massie household with Alabama #1and Ohio State #2! I heard the Dolphins had a rough game on Monday Night Football. Ugh...and the Patriots, no less! Haven't heard anything about Pete's Jaguars but here's hoping it's ALL good. Wish Pete, Betty, and Katrin pocket aces when two ahead of you went all in and they share the 4 Kings! Hope my friends in the dental workplace are enjoying themselves and their jobs...hey, at least you have one!! Hope all is well at my bosses office--Kim, Joann, Sharon, Denise, and Wendy. Hope the economy is picking up so I might have a job when I get home??!!?? Eeeks! And to the Hilton Head trio--I love you and miss you more than you could imagine. I will NEVER take that trip for granted again!!
God bless us, tracy
I will cook for you every night when you come back and you will have an endless supply of chocolate peanut butter cake. Which is more then Pete gets. We miss you so much and can't wait to share meals together and of course lots of poker stories. You know Pete has a million stories for you. Thanks for keeping us updated. Love you Betty
ReplyDeleteI haven't been on the blog in forever!!!!!! and geez, have I missed a lot. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for the bday shout out. I had a super day. I love birthdays because they make you reflect on so much. It truly is a beautiful life with all its ups and downs...I've learned to embrace them all. Ron and I really miss you. I think there are many that would have done the same for you far as moving to 231. It was our pleasure. Life is about HELPING. Plain and simple. You get what you give...the more you put out there, the more you get back. It was truly our pleasure. Guess we best get to thinking of where we are going to go come 2011 when you will make your triumphant return. It is all so exciting. Thrilled that Bobby will be out to see you. That will be nice. Thanks for the continued updates. Love you dearly! ps- Ron and I will be celebrating 9 years of wedded bliss this Wednesday so please keep us in your prayers for continued happiness and love. pps- don't think I forgot for one second that YOU have a bday coming up, too. October is such a great time of year! I LOVE YOU, Tracy. xoxoxo Cristina and Rondawg
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Colorado! You sound like you've made peace with the life and village projects, etc. I do believe finding your own groove is the only way to survive the experience with success. Yes, when you are done it will be easier to express your constructive criticism. I did so during and after the COS Conference. Although I've only been home for two weeks, I've gotten the medical process rolling and will start becoming a "pest" next week. Everything is at the DOL now. With an expected delay, Roger and I have discussed taking a "vacation" while I wait! When I return to Central America & Belize next Spring, I'm hoping to finally see your village. It will be a lot easier not having to fit it into the "out-of-site" time frame!!! Hi to your Roger and others. You are doing a great job, Tracy! I'm proud of you!!! Di
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear from you!! Can't wait for that home cooked meal, Betty! As you reflect Cristina, sure hope you see that wonderful reflection of YOURSELF!! And Diane, nice to hear you made it back safely. You should be so proud of yourself as a great example of a model Peace Corps Volunteer! You truly made a difference...I am proud to know you!! Best, tracy