Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Things have been pretty busy in the village. The best news is that we have almost reached our goal for the playground. It is a sizeable amount so therefore I was never convinced that we would meet our goal but now we are down to the last $600 so I'm sure we will be successful...then the fun begins...Can't thank you enough for your outpouring of love and support. Once we reach the goal, the funds come directly here and we can begin the process of ordering materials and having them delivered here...then construction...lots of planning and preparing but should go smoothly with Roger overseeing construction (That's what he did back home before Peace Corps) All the villagers are onboard for clearing the land and the actual construction! Again, thanks so much!!! I will be sending you pictures of our work!

I'm at our computer lab in the village and things are really busy in here right now. But had to write TODAY because it's my good friend, Carlene's birthday!! Hope it's wonderful...I will call you sometime today and sing! Bet you can hardly wait!!

Hope all is well with everyone. I am so grateful for the friendships I have back home. Can't wait to see all your beautiful faces SOON!! I love it here but also miss home terribly...so see you soon!

God bless us all...tracy


  1. What does SOON mean? Next October is not SOON enough. Please define SOON.

  2. Ok!! Must write an addendum! Last night when I was here at the computer lab, I had my little friend (she will remain nameless, age 12) looking over my shoulder and reading everything I wrote. It's sort of a cultural thing...not like home where people respect one's privacy...but anyway, felt strange trying to compose my thoughts into words with zero privacy. Tonight is different!!
    Have quite a few projects going on and feel very happy that maybe I AM doing something worthwhile. We're painting the school, installing trash cans, raising funds for the playground, dental health education in the classrooms, starting sewing classes for the ladies, and have FOUR vegetable gardens started. May not sound like much but trust me on the vegetable gardens, it's HUGE!! Major paradigm shift in lifestyle...nutrition classes to follow... But mostly, had to send a more appropriate message out to my dear friend Carlene that I love so much...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It was great hearing your voice today and I hope you won your stupid tennis match!!! Hope it continues to be a great year. And Sue, don't really know but it will be before October!! Love you so much BFsF!!!
