Wednesday, March 24, 2010


There's this dog that I guess came with the house I live in in San Miguel. Homes in the states come with varying here in San Miguel come with mangy dogs with parasites.

So I injected this dog twice with some medicine that the hardware store provided for me ($1.50 BZ) back in November. He started looking great! But recently the mange came back and he's losing weight but this time he won't let me inject him—dogs DO remember! (I'll have to work on this problem?!?)

The dogs here are treated so poorly. I guess people have them mostly to serve as watchdogs. They are kicked by every member of the family and not fed (except at my old host family's home where they gave Bones and Bingo tablescraps). I'm certain Blackie is the only dog in the village that eats dog food AND table scraps.

With Blackie's mange, it is not too appetizing to pet him barehanded so I put on my garden gloves and he 'eats up' the attention. Of course, I greet him every morning as he sleeps right outside my door. I don't 'give' like I would to my own dogs...guess I really haven't claimed him yet and I feel bad about that...

This past Saturday I planned on visiting two peace corps friends in Dangriga (3 hour bus ride away). I decided to catch the bus at the junction of the highway which is about a 5-6 mile trek to the road. I started off on my bike and Blackie was following. The sun was intense so the sweat was profuse as I pedaled up and down the very hilly rocky road. Blackie kept stride. A couple of times I told him to go home but he must only understand K'ekchi... he kept following. We finally arrived at the junction and I took my bike to this family I have befriended that has been kind enough to store it when I take these jaunts. Blackie came into their house and plopped down on the cool concrete. Avelina asked if he was my dog? “No, but he thinks he is!”

The bus was due to reach the junction in about ten minutes. I walked across the road, Blackie followed. There isn't an ounce of civilization for miles in any direction other than Avelina and Jorge's home. About two miles down the road, I see the northbound bus approaching. I do the customary hand signal that indicates I want a ride. The bus slows and I get on. I find a seat quickly but stay standing as I want to see that Blackie crosses the road heading back to San Miguel.

NO! He is sprinting after the bus. I sit down and ponder...

This dog gets so very little and yet is so loving and loyal. The children in San Miguel get so little and yet they are loving to their siblings and dutiful to their parents. There are no toys here, there are no gifts, and there's no recreation. But the responsibility they own for their little brother or sister's comfort or safety is something I witness on a daily basis. (I just looked out my window and saw two neighbor girls, ages 7 and 8, walking back from the river with huge bowls of dishes on their heads that they just washed and holding hands with a younger sibling).

I know we all mean well when we give our children so many THINGS back home. They may lose sight of what's really important like building character or relationships. They might miss opportunities to impact other lives in a positive way or to reach out to their siblings. Their lives can sometimes turn inward and in the process become lost and lonely. Maybe we're doing them a disservice by providing so much that they can't value what is truly important...I don't know...

I came back on Monday and Blackie was lying by my door... such a good dog...

God bless us all... love, tracy


  1. Aww, I love Blackie. I'm so glad you have a little friend mom. Can't you take him to the river with shampoo and wash him so you can pet him without gloves on? Poor guy has had no love. He is very lucky to have you! That was a great blog. Love you, Ash xoxoxoxo

  2. great blog mom love you xox

  3. Blackie sounds like a great dog. I am going to ask my vet how to maybe help him so you can pet him. I agree with you Trac we do give out kids WAY to MANY THINGS!!! Chris and I have been trying to not give Blaire and Blake too many things. Miss you lots

  4. poor blackie,you need someone to hold him so you can give him a shot!how about one of the men in your village?maybe roger could help?

  5. That was one of your best blogs; you are such a good writer. We miss you and your BIG heart, Tracy. We can't wait to see you in May. Pete

  6. From reading your posts, it seems like you spend most of your time visiting your PC boyfriend, visiting or being visited by your children, or visiting other volunteers. In recent posts you complained about feeling unappreciated by the community you were supposed to be serving. Do you think there is a connection to never being at your site and the people not trusting you or taking you seriously? Has Peace Corps become Outward Bound for the 50-something Baby Boomers? I echo earlier responses to previous posts: it is time to go home. Let someone else have a shot to do the work if you don't want to.

  7. To the last poster....

    This cliche is accurate and appropriate: "Don't judge another man until you've walked in their shoes."


    An "older" second-year Peace Corps Volunteer in Belize, who endured multiple challenges for the first 6 months -- including being attacked by a dog -- but eventually found her "groove" and now is accomplishing far more than she ever imagined possible.

  8. dogs. all the finest of human traits: patience, perseverence, unconditional love, loyalty, silent and steady.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Where there's a will, there's a way. You (and Blackie) get that!

  11. In response to the sixth comment posted on this blog:
    'Anonymous' clearly doesn't know me, my heart, or my character. I'm sure we have never met...
    Stone-faced Mayan ways are challenging for an engaging and compassionate person. Feeling appreciated or not is of no concern for me but running into impermeable Mayan 'ruin' walls severely limits my opportunities to help.
    If, I feel that I can do more good at home than in my village, I will return to family and friends.
    I think YOU would make a great replacement.

  12. great comment tracy! it's ok to be an anonymous if the comments are supportive.but a comment like #6 needs to be sighned so we can put a face on it!!!god bless you tracy!!!

  13. ya agreed. #6 is clueless and an asshole. You just focus on yourself and do what you need to do mom, #6 go talk a long walk on a short pier. Love you mom. Bobby

  14. Hi Tracy-I am now following Jane's blog too and I can't wait to here if/when you all meet. You will become great PC buddies...I just know it! I love reading about your adventures and continue to be impressed by your determination and strength. What an exciting and inspirational journey! Kerry

  15. Take* sorry for mispell.

  16. Who the hell is the person that wrote that you're never at your site? How would they know? Because once a month you get to see Roger or because one single time Aubrey came to see you? And how do they know your village people don't trust you or take you seriously? Whoever you are, you need to find a new hobby and quit reading my mom's blog. You are coming from such a place of ignorance, it's not even funny. Good thing you signed it anonymous - that was a stand-up thing to do! Very brave. My mom doesn't get to a computer often so when she does, it is usually b/c there is a peace corps volunteers meeting in the "city" - get a life, get a clue - there's no way you're one of my mom's friends so she doesn't want your ignorant ass reading this anyway. Merry Christmas. Love you mom - don't let this dumb ass get you down - they don't have the first clue about being so selfless that they're willing to LIVE in the conditions you're in for 2 and a half years! Has the Peace Corps become Outward Bound for baby boomers? What a stupid thing to say! Sounds like such a jealous and shallow person. And realize mom, this is coming from someone who has daily internet access, is sitting in a nice air conditioned or heated home, can drive anywhere they want and get anything they want any minute of the day and they're telling you that you're never at your site in San Miguel, Belize??!!! Are they psychic? Are they there with you? What a loser - telling you to let someone else do the work if you don't want to? HA! Boy they do not know the workhorse that is Tracy Hodson - her whole dang life working 3 jobs to support her family with no help from a spouse!! Oh, this person better never let me find out who they are! He/she is clueless, selfish, arrogant, ignorant, and you shouldn't let someone so unsophisticated, so judgmental and rude, get someone so giving, loving, and beautiful down. He/she doesn't have the slightest clue about all the lives you are impacting every single day. What a POS! Love you mom - your whole family adores you, all your friends know you and love you - this is probably some random internet-blogging loser who doesn't have the slightest clue about ANYTHING (much less your life and struggle and all the incredible things you are doing there every day BUSTING YOUR BUTT). Ok, I second Bobby - go take a long walk on a short pier - suck it and don't ever read my mom's blog again stupid stupid loser. ASHLEY SUZANNE HODSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!

  18. Way to vent, Ashley. You go girl!

  19. Ashley...our styles are vastly different but all I can say is if I find myself cornered by a vicious animal, I want YOU on MY side. Thanks for your love and support. Like Sue said, you go girl!!! Love, momma

  20. AND, #6....I AM going home in three weeks!!!!!
