Thursday, December 23, 2010

I have no gifts to bring... pa rum pum pum pum

Dear family and friends,

Ashley was so happy to text me to tell me about her Christmas bonus and that she just couldn't wait to deposit money in mom's account.

Aubrey's Christmas package to mom arrived today in Belize with wrapped goodies that I will save til Christmas morning. Her group of contemporaries at the VA hospital decided to make Aubrey's mom's Peace Corps playground THEIR Christmas project this year. They reached their goal yesterday and were so excited to pass on their generous gift to the children of San Miguel for a separate swing set next to the primary school.

Katrin made the trip to Belize for five days decked out in a Santa's hat and carrying stockings for Roger and myself with goodies and necessities... a lot of effort and expense...a warm demonstration of kindness and friendship.

I have received emails from many of you passing on wishes for a joyous Holiday Season and sharing life back home...from work to tennis to poker :)

It is Christmastime... and that just seems like the time for giving. But being a Peace Corps Volunteer doesn't lend itself to much, if any, disposable income... so that part of the equation, the 'giving back', for me is missing. It is humbling to have so little and most of the time it doesn't bother me at all. But at Christmas, it is a bit sad for me to not be able to give my children a single present. But, when I talk to them and listen to their stories, I realize that I must have given them something over the years...something that wasn't wrapped under the tree..something without a price tag. Because these three children have discovered that giving back of themselves to this planet is perhaps the greatest gift of all.

So, no Christmas tree here, no lights, no hustle and bustle at the Malls, no gift giving or receiving... it's pretty simple. All that energy for the busy holiday season is not needed in a third world country.

But it makes me think of what is really important... And for me it is that we are all brothers and sisters... not very different at all...and that we all want peace.

I have no gifts to bring but my sincerest wish... Peace on Earth...Goodwill towards Men. Merry Christmas and love from Belize...

God bless us all...tracy


  1. Merry Christmas from Colorado! I've been checking the PC Journal site regularly to read your latest post. This time last year I was in SP with Annie, and we saw you and Aubrey in CC, too. Annie just arrived in Skagway, Alaska to spend the holidays with her father. I'll see her in early January. Roger and I will ski at Vail Christmas Day and then have dinner with friends. We just looked at the calendar to plan our time in Guatemala (he'll meet me for 3 weeks). Looks like I'll be in Belize from about May 21st to June 18th. Since I need to get to Toledo for book research (around 1st week of June), I'm hoping you'll be around so I can finally visit you in San Miguel... and see that new playground, too! Have a relaxing and peaceful Christmas, my friend... Di

  2. Merry Christmas Tracy! The hustle and bustle, the Mall...all over-rated! The gifts...that is just "stuff" you are giving real gifts where you are!

    We miss you on Murray Ct...we need a good party planner for all of the newbies!


  3. Merry Christmas to Tracy! Although you have always seemed aware of what is important in life, it seems your time in Belize has made even more of an impression on your beliefs. Seems from here that you are dead on as to what is important. God gave us his only son to die for our sins; in return, we should give to others and not even think about the "taking". What you are doing for the families in Belize is a greater gift than most of us are capable of doing. God bless you Tracy ... you are one of the real special people in this world. Those of us who know you are blessed with a true, good friend. Love you, Pete

  4. Hi Tracy, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to you!! Just think, 2011 will be when your PC journey ends and you get to come home. What an amazing journey---thanks so much for sharing it through your blog. That has been your gift to us and I have loved reading it!! We knew each other for such a short time but I consider you a friend of the heart. Keep up the good work and may God continue to bless you in your giving. Love, Karla

  5. So nice to read these comments here. I am struck by how lucky I am to have friends such as the five of has been an amazing journey that I will be forever grateful for but 2011 does mean coming HOME and that idea is also so very appealing and heartwarming. And Karla, our time was so very short and yet I feel through our correspondence that I know your heart as well...and what a heart that IS!! And Pete, sometimes I shy away (especially in a blog) about spirituality as we are asked not to express political or religious views during our Peace Corps service...but I end every blog with 'God bless us all'... My greatest blessing IS my faith and my friendships with people like YOU! I believe He flows through us all...just some of us don't recognize...and some live as 'children of God' and don't understand what drives their compassion, their heart, their goodness...
    I think I'm going to have to write a blog on this subject rather than a comment :) My cup runneth over...THANK YOU, FRIENDS!!!

  6. T. Your hightech big brother just read your
    Christmas e-mail-------You truly gave all
    of us the best Christmas Gift. Thanks!!!
    Love you / God Bless, Skipper
