Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!

Dear Friends and Family,

I have started writing this blog at least six times and have aborted each one...

I'm here in Punta Gorda as a bunch of PCV's from the Toledo district have decided to gather for a little 4th of July celebration BBQ this afternoon. There was a thunderstorm last night which cooled the air and cut the humidity. It's down to a mere 98 degrees and 70% humidity which leaves us at a heat index of 115 which is down from the previous week. And of course, no AC anywhere so no relief. (I think Florida summers will be a bit easier to take!)

I'm writing today because it's the 4th of July--truly a day to celebrate our country's independence. But in each of the previous attempts, I became too political and too polarized. This is precisely what I see as our big problem back home. Healthy debate is always good. Finger pointing, name calling, spin on top of spin for argument's sake is a detriment to the development of better ways of working together.

When I see how the people in Belize live and compare it with back home, I am struck by the accentuated contrast. Ten months ago, I saw this as poverty. But I have decided that poverty is more an attitude than a calculated measure of what you have versus what you don't have. The people in my village don't think they live in poverty...they have food, clothing, and a roof over their head. They have everything they need and they're happy. Belize is a beautiful mix of varied ethnicities. Their existence is as close to nature and spirit as the varied palms reaching towards the heavens.

I'm aware now that most of the world is more like Belize and the United States is in the minority of the few countries that are considered 'super powers'. So if Belizeans see themselves as rich and happy people, we need to take inventory of all our blessings in the United States. Let's start by seeing the good in the differences in each of us rather than that which divides us. You know, united we stand...

Happy 4th of July! God bless us all...tracy


  1. I love this blog. If only everyone could have your attitude regarding what's really important in life. As you know, it seems to be more difficult here in the states to understand and grasp this simple concept. What a shame.
    Miss you.....

  2. Cool blog, Tracy, with some great sentiments. I love your thoughts on poverty. It's interesting how we tend to label everyone with less than we have as poor when that simply isn't the case. As you implied, wealth includes so much more than "stuff". It's comforting to me to know that the Belizeans don't consider themselves poor. I hear you about America becoming more and more politically polarized. Not sure how we will repair that but, as you said, it does not help to attack each other.
    Happy 4th to you too!! I was reading Sandy's blog and I guess you had some bad weather from Alex. Hope you stay safe and have a place to hide if another storm rolls in!! Take care and thanks for sharing your journey on your blog! Karla :0)
